For media inquiries, call 508-245-6843.
Virginia Swain advances Worcester Public Health Initiative for the Community Health and Improvement Plan on Health Equity, Changing Resistant Systems and Institutional Racism, February 22, 2013. A Step in the Right Direction by Corey Oliver
A World United by the Young Worcester Telegram and Gazette, January 11, 2013
Imagine Worcester and the World Television Show, WCCA-TV, 2008 to Present
Speakers at Clark forum discusss universal right to peace The Coaltion for the Human Right to Peace Conference at Clark University, February 19, 2012
"Seeking Original UN Goals: Couple Launches Peace Coalition" by Melissa McKeon, Worcester Telegram and Gazette, June 30, 2011.
"Human Rights Work Lauded: United Nations Under-Secretary-General Speaks at Ceremony" by Lee V.Gaines, Worcester Telegram and Gazette, March 31, 2011.
Interview on World Peace, Virginia Swain appearing on Soapbox, December 10, 2010
Interview with Virginia Swain by Patricia Varley on the Edgewalkers Internet Radio Show: Leading from Your Life’s Passion: Fuel for Tough Times, September 2010
Interview of Virginia Swain by the Worcester Women’s Oral History Project (WWOHP), 2008
" A Peace Movement Launches in Worcester” by Noah R. Bombard, Worcester Magazine, November 15, 2007
I See It- A Remedy for Political Incivility." by Virginia
Swain, Worcester Telegram and Gazette, October 30, 2006.
peace through inner strength: Worcester writer helps others chart
course in turbulent times." by Pamela Sacks, Worcester Telegram and Gazette, September 1, 2006.
Visionaries Keep Faith in World Governance." by Albert Southwick, Worcester
Telegram & Gazette, March 19, 2006.
to Lead in Harmony." by Art Simas, Worcester Telegram and Gazette, March
14, 2005.
Expert Backs UN." by Mark Melady, Worcester Telegram and Gazette, December
26, 2004.
in Peace," Salve Regina, September 2002.
“Virginia Swain: Returned Peace Corps Volunteer,” One on One by Allen W. Fletcher, Worcester Magazine, November 8, 2001